In the summer of 2013, we have undertook the sign-posting of three hiking trails in Serifos island. The island’s hiking trails network has been previously sign-posted, but the signs became old and needed replacement. The new signs were sponsored by the company MEK Constructions, in collaboration with the Municipality of Serifos. We have renewed the color signs, added directional as well as information signs at the beginning of each trail. We chose to use metallic signs instead of wooden ones, to be in line with the previous signalization, as well as because iron is one of the main products of the island. We have also designed the new logo. It say “Walking Serifos – Paths of Iron and Stone”. Over the “Walking Serifos”, there is a little frog jumping, to connect the logo with nature and history, since the frog was the symbol of Serifos in ancient times. The subtitle “Paths of Iron and Stone” refers to the island’s geology as well as its Mythology. It is said that it is Serifos that Perseus petrified with the head of Medusa.
In the summer of 2013, we have undertook the sign-posting of three hiking trails in Serifos island. The island’s hiking trails network has been previously sign-posted, but the signs became old and needed replacement. The new signs were sponsored by the company MEK Constructions, in collaboration with the Municipality of Serifos. We have renewed the