A few days ago, along with our partner Stefanos Kounis, we have visited Evia island. More specificaly, the region between Dirfy and Xirovouni Mts. We walked on hiking and bicycle trails, and we also created some new ones. Our visit took place after the initiative of the local businesses to implement a hiking and bicycle trails network in the region. Our work has already started, Stefanos is working with passion on it, and soon, the first trails will be promoted, so that everybody could enjoy these amazing landscapes hidden a few kilometers away from Athens. Other regions of Evia have already expressed their interest about developping a similar trails network, and we would be very happy to help them! Below, you will find three trails that we propose (check the difficulty level).

Dirfy Mt. : Vlachon path

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(Evia island)

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Agali Gorge

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