In January 2014, we have participated in the 4th World Trails Conference, held in Jeju island in South Korea. The Conference was organised from the World Trail Association, under the auspices of Jeju Olle foundation. Paths of Greece has been invited by the American Trails Association. In the Conference, more than 50 trail organisations from 18 countries exchanged knowledge, experiences, contacts, got connected to the academic world, organised in a universal level and decided to continue working together. We have participated in some very interesting presentations about a variety of subjects such as health and walking, trans-border co-operation, marketing of trails, organisation of local communities, quality labels etc. We have briefly presented Paths of Greece, and the projects that we are working on in Greece. As a case study, we presented Kythera Hiking, the paths of Kythera island project. At the conclusions of the Conference, the World Trails Assoociation Commitee got enlarged, and Paths of Greece is now a board member. Below you will find the map of a freezing walk that we had in the volcanic mount Halla.

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